Caregiver Seminar
Series Sign-Up

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Below are key areas the seminar series will address:

The Human Understanding

  • Schizophrenia “101” overview: What is this disease all about?
  • Anosognosia: What it is, how to work with it.
  • Communication strategies: How to talk to family, friends, doctors and your loved one.
  • Crisis preparation & management: How to be prepared for times of crisis.


  • Hospitals: How to prepare if your loved one needs hospitalization; what to do during their stay and how to prepare for discharge.
  • Navigating treatment systems: Understanding treatment options, from therapy to medication to mental health professionals.


  • Housing options: How to approach this in your state.
    Homelessness: Ways to support your loved one if they have run away or are homeless.

Criminal Justice System

  • Police: How to work with them.
  • Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT): How to obtain this for your loved one.
  • Courts: How to work with the court system.

Support Frameworks

  • Disability (SSI/SSDI): Tips for obtaining either/both and food stamps (SNAP).
  • Insurance (Medicaid/Medicare): When they apply and how to enroll in these government insurance programs.
  • HIPAA: What it is and how to navigate it.
  • Legal: Conservatorship, guardianship, power of attorney: What they mean, how they differ and how to secure them if needed.
  • Estate Planning: How to set up a Special Needs Trust and Letter of Intent.