One Coordinated System of Care

The U.S. system of care for people with schizophrenia is tragically fragmented, causing extensive delays and dangerous disruptions in treatment, a shortage of community resources to provide supportive care and for many people with schizophrenia, no treatment at all. We are working to shatter the barriers to treatment, survival and recovery and drive toward one coordinated system of care for people with this severe brain disease.

Our approach

We take a three-pronged approached to systems-level change:

Recharacterize public perception of people with schizophrenia from fear and fatalism to hope and recovery.

Restructure disease-classification codes to reduce stigma, highlight the physical nature of the illness, amplify the link between anosognosia and poor outcomes, and frame schizophrenia as a spectrum disease.

Revitalize specific, proven initiatives to address barriers to treatment and recovery within the medical, criminal justice, and employment systems.


We believe in recovery and a cure for schizophrenia.
Join us on this journey today.

Thanks to a generous donor, your gift will be matched, up to $25,000, and your impact doubled to help S&PAA’s critical work.

We believe in recovery and a cure for schizophrenia. Donate today.