My son has schizophrenia and was diagnosed at 26. He is now 42 and suffers with alcohol and pot addiction. He does take monthly [medicine] in exchange for me paying his rent. That’s been the best I can do. Although it is a financial challenge to pay two rents as I am a single mom, I know that he is a good man, and I love him. I’ve tried to surrender changing him. No matter what I do, he continues to drink, and with anosognosia, it only makes it harder. I am very concerned about what will happen when I am gone. My faith gives me strength.
We’re celebrating caregivers–
In the Name of Love
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Hear the stories of hope, love and challenges shared by caregivers in our community as part of National Family Caregivers Month.
Thanks to a generous donor, your gift and your impact will be doubled, up to $100,000, to help S&PAA’s critical work.
We believe in recovery and a cure for schizophrenia. Donate today.